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To find solutions in a specific language, select a problem from the list below, then select the language on the linked page.

  1. Qualification Round
    1. Standing Ovation
    2. Infinite House of Pancakes
    3. Dijkstra
    4. Ominous Omino
  2. Round 1A
    1. Mushroom Monster
    2. Haircut
    3. Logging
  3. Round 1B
    1. Counter Culture
    2. Noisy Neighbors
    3. Hiking Deer
  4. Round 1C
    1. Brattleship
    2. Typewriter Monkey
    3. Less Money, More Problems
  5. Round 2
    1. Pegman
    2. Kiddie Pool
    3. Bilingual
    4. Drum Decorator
  6. Round 3
    1. Fairland
    2. Smoothing Window
    3. Runaway Quail
    4. Log Set
    5. River Flow
  7. Final Round
    1. Costly Binary Search
    2. Campinatorics
    3. Pretty Good Proportion
    4. Taking Over The World
    5. Merlin QA
    6. Crane Truck