Find Solutions

To find solutions in a specific language, select a problem from the list below, then select the language on the linked page.

  1. Qualification Round
    1. Alien Language
    2. Watersheds
    3. Welcome to Code Jam
  2. Round 1A
    1. Multi-base happiness
    2. Crossing the Road
    3. Collecting Cards
  3. Round 1B
    1. Decision Tree
    2. The Next Number
    3. Square Math
  4. Round 1C
    1. All Your Base
    2. Center of Mass
    3. Bribe the Prisoners
  5. Round 2
    1. Crazy Rows
    2. A Digging Problem
    3. Stock Charts
    4. Watering Plants
  6. Round 3
    1. EZ-Sokoban
    2. Alphabetomials
    3. Football Team
    4. Interesting Ranges
  7. World Final
    1. Year of More Code Jam
    2. Min Perimeter
    3. Doubly-sorted Grid
    4. Wi-fi Towers
    5. Marbles
    6. Lights