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  1. Qualification Round
    1. Oversized Pancake Flipper
    2. Tidy Numbers
    3. Bathroom Stalls
    4. Fashion Show
  2. Round 1A
    1. Alphabet Cake
    2. Ratatouille
    3. Play the Dragon
  3. Round 1B
    1. Steed 2: Cruise Control
    2. Stable Neigh-bors
    3. Pony Express
  4. Round 1C
    1. Ample Syrup
    2. Parenting Partnering
    3. Core Training
  5. Round 2
    1. Fresh Chocolate
    2. Roller Coaster Scheduling
    3. Beaming With Joy
    4. Shoot the Turrets
  6. Round 3
    1. Googlements
    2. Good News and Bad News
    3. Mountain Tour
    4. Slate Modern
  7. Final Round
    1. Dice Straight
    2. Operation
    3. Spanning Planning
    4. Omnicircumnavigation
    5. Stack Management
    6. Teleporters